PHCs Converted Into 24x7 Services : To promote emergency health services, the Central Government has set up 24x7 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and First Referral Units (FRUs) across the country.

PHCs Converted Into 24x7 Services : To promote emergency health services, the Central Government has set up 24x7 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and First Referral Units (FRUs) across the country.2...

Male Menopause: Like women, men also suffer from menopause, which is known as 'andropause', but should men be afraid of it?

What Is Andropause: Menopause is much talked about. With increasing age, not only women feel the hormonal changes but men also go through an uncomfortable situation. When does this happen, do men...

Good news for women, now a vaccine will eliminate the risk of cervical cancer!

Cervical cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers that kill women. However, it is now completely preventable and the good news is that it does not require an operation!A new vaccine has emerged as...

Men or women, who is more at risk of long covid?

Even after five years of the pandemic, the effects of Corona are not showing any signs of ending. A recent study has shown that women are 31% more likely to suffer from long Covid than men.Even after...

These black fruits are nectar for the lungs, they will protect against infection and increase lung activity

Grapes for Lungs Health : Grapes can be beneficial for your lung health in many ways. Grapes are rich in nutrients and contain antioxidants, vitamin C and flavonoids, which are helpful in keeping...

Eye twitching can also be a warning sign of brain tumor, know how a woman's life turned into a painful truth!

Eye twitching is a common and often overlooked physical sign. Most of us ignore it, attributing it to fatigue, stress or some good or bad omen. But it can be a sign of brain tumor.Eye twitching is a c...

What kind of dangerous disease is spreading in Pune? 59 people fell ill, 12 are being treated on ventilators

Recently, the number of patients suffering from a dangerous and rare disease has suddenly increased in Pune. According to many media reports, a total of 59 people have been affected by this disease in...

These 5 magical ways to postpone a conversation when you are busy!

In today's busy times, due to work and responsibilities, many times we do not have time to talk to others. But saying directly 'I can't talk' can sometimes bring bitterness in relationships.In today's...

Follow these tips to become everyone's beloved daughter-in-law in your in-laws' house

After marriage, proving to be a good daughter-in-law in your in-laws' house is no less than a challenge. It is said that once you win your mother-in-law's heart, the journey to your in-laws' house bec...

These 5 things are considered red flags in a relationship, ignoring them and deciding to stay together can become the biggest mistake of life

Relationship Tips: Every person deserves to be in a relationship where he gets respect, love and understanding from his partner. But for such a relationship, it is important that you protect yourself...