The desire to get a tattoo can become a problem, 5 diseases will jump near you

Tattoo has become a fashion trend, but it is very important to be careful before getting it. A little carelessness can put you in big trouble.Tattoo Side Effects and Risks: Nowadays the trend of...

You have turned 40, diseases are waiting for you, take care of your health in this way

The age of 40 is an important stage in life, where you should become extra conscious about your health, because even a little carelessness can cause trouble. With increasing age, many types of ch...

Can eating eggs increase the risk of birth flu infection? Know whether to buy eggs or not

When you hear the news of birth flu in the news, there is a fear in the mind that eating eggs might cause infection. In such a situation, get the correct information and then take a decision. Bir...

Trending Quiz: Due to deficiency of which vitamin a person starts growing old?

Trending Quiz: Vitamins are very important for the development of the body. Many types of problems are seen in the body due to lack of vitamins. A person starts aging due to lack of vitamins. Let...

Guillain Barre syndrome reaches the country's financial capital from Pune, first case of GBS in Mumbai

GBS Case In Maharashtra: The number of Guillain Barre Syndrome cases is constantly increasing, and now its scope has reached Mumbai as well, in such a situation the Maharashtra government has increase...

If you are troubled by leucoderma, then adopt these home remedies, the effect will be visible in a few days

Leucoderma Home remedies: Leucoderma spreads due to skin infection. It can also be treated in an Ayurvedic way. According to Ayush doctor, making a paste of basil leaves and applying it on the affecte...

Scammers are cheating people with IVR Scam, this is how to identify fake calls, keep yourself safe with these methods

Scammers are trying new ways to cheat people. IVR Scams have increased in recent times, in which scammers call from fake IVR and cheat people.With the help of technology, scammers are finding new ways...

You will look 20 at the age of 40, just apply the juice of this vegetable on the face, the face will start glowing

Homemade juice for glowing skin: It is important to take special care of the skin at the age of 40. At this age wrinkles and freckles start appearing on the face. In such a situation, it is a bit diff...

Why is February looking like April? Will this season disappear? Experts gave this warning

Weather: Cold wave continues to wreak havoc in North India. The weather in Delhi-NCR has changed its mood once again. The April-like heat in the month of February has surprised everyone in Delhi....

One mistake in oiling can cause hair fall, know the right way to apply oil to hair

Oiling is very important for healthy hair. This increases blood circulation in the scalp, which eliminates hair related problems. keep your hair healthyOiling is necessary to keep the hair health...