In today's rush, it has become very common to travel by flight instead of train to save time. However, during this journey, many times people have to travel in English as well. Motion sickness is a very common problem that has to be faced during a flight, but most people do not know any solution for it. In this way, your journey becomes inconvenient and sometimes people around you also start facing problems because of you.

Fear of flight is a different thing, but if the body is more troubled due to motion sickness, then a slight change in diet can be done for this. Celebrity nutritionist and dietician Pooja Makhija has shared information related to this on Instagram.

After all, why does sitting on a flight cause problems?

In flight, there is mostly a problem with high air pressure. People feel that there is some problem in their bodies. This is a condition similar to hypoxia. In this, due to not getting enough oxygen in the body, the tissues do not work properly.

In simple language, it means that less amount of oxygen is going towards your brain. This type of process not only temporarily affects your brain signals, but in some cases affects other parts of the body as well. This air pressure is responsible for ear pain in the plane.

According to Pooja Makhija, there is a lack of water in the body due to air travel. A condition like dehydration arises in your body.

3 hours of air travel removes so much water from the body

You may not have noticed, but you also feel thirstier in flight and if you are in the plane for 3 hours, up to 1.5 litres of water can flow from the body through urine and sweat. This is the reason why you are advised to drink fluids in flight.

After all, why should you drink tomato juice during or before the flight?

According to Pooja Makhija, tomato juice can give you relief from both of these problems. Not only can it keep your body hydrated, but it is rich in antioxidants, lycopene, and beta carotene, due to which the problem of oxygen deficiency can be controlled to a great extent.

Can alcohol be taken with tomato juice?

No, that would not be correct at all. If you're drinking tomato juice on a flight because of your problems, the alcohol will reverse the effect. Even if you drink it with tomato juice, it will dehydrate the body more.

Vegetable juice would be better for you before the flight as it does not contain added sugar. Packed fruit juices increase your blood sugar level even more, which further increases the damage caused by oxygen. You can also eat fruits instead of that. Try not to eat too much sugary food during this time.

It is necessary to consult a doctor before making any major changes in diet. Just as there is no one medicine for all diseases, similarly one remedy cannot affect all.