Nowadays everyone wants to look beautiful and for this reason they apply many different things on their face but it makes it worse. Nowadays people like to do waxing at home and save themselves from spending thousands of rupees but due to some mistakes the skin gets damaged, so to avoid that you have to take care of some things.

Sensitive skin

Due to wrong waxing, there is a very bad effect on the skin. There can also be a risk of infection on your skin. If your skin is sensitive then you should take care that there is no pressure of any kind on the skin.

Good quality wax

While waxing, do not use any of your wax or old wax even by mistake. By doing this, your skin becomes very damaged and starts looking bad. You should apply good quality wax.

Take the initiative to test

Whenever you wax, first do it on some other place properly or you can do it on the elbow so that you can know how it is, this will help you to know whether it suits you or not.


While waxing, you should take care not to touch the wound area, otherwise the risk of infection can increase significantly and you may also suffer a lot.

Neither too hot nor too cold

Whenever you do waxing, instead of pulling the strip fast, you can do it slowly. While waxing, also pay attention that it should neither be too hot nor too cold.

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