Winter season is going on, in such a situation people start having problems like cold, cough, cold and fever. In such a situation, it is very important to keep the immunity strong. In the changing season, people consume many types of decoctions, vegetables, fruits, and dry fruits to strengthen immunity, but boosting immunity for a diabetes patient is no less than a challenge. In such a situation, you do not have to worry because here we will tell you how you can strengthen your immunity.

Diabetes patients can increase immunity in this way-
Control stress

Stress is also one of the reasons for increasing blood sugar levels in the body. Due to stress, not only the immunity becomes weak, but the balance of the whole body gets disturbed. At the same time, to reduce stress, diabetes patients talk to friends, do yoga, read books, and avoid being alone. Let us tell you that the less the stress, the more the blood sugar will remain under control.

Do workout
Exercising is very important to boost the immunity of the body. For this, you can also walk into the room itself. But let us tell you that it is very important to exercise to strengthen immunity.

Keep the body hydrated
In the winter season, people drink less amount of water which their body is not able to hydrate properly. At the same time, immunity also becomes weak due to not drinking enough water. In such a situation, drink coconut water to keep the body hydrated.

Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is very important to boost immunity. In such a situation, if you want that you do not fall sick again and again, then you must take 5 hours of sleep.