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Nowadays every man is troubled by increasing weight. What are the methods we do not use to reduce belly fat? Tried every method but can't see the benefit. In such a situation, we have some such habits which have to be improved. Because of their non-improvement, all your hard work is going in vain.

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Many types of efforts like yoga, exercise, and diet are gradually effective in reducing fat. If you stop doing yoga and exercise, then the weight increases again. In such a situation, by changing the time of breakfast, you can control the increasing weight. By doing this, you can reduce your weight by up to five kilos.

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Health experts say that there should be at least a 14 to 16 hours gap between dinner and breakfast. By doing this the body remains healthy and fit.

Belly fat increases due to not keeping a gap between dinner and breakfast in a busy life. Keep a minimum gap of 14 hours between dinner and breakfast.