Summer Diet: The heat wave continues in most parts of the country including Delhi. In such a situation, people make many changes in their diet to stay healthy during this season. In summer, most people like to eat such things, which not only keep them healthy in this season but also keep their bodies cool. But in this season, many people often fall ill due to heat stroke. In such a situation, you must stay healthy by making proper changes in your diet to save yourself from heatwave. If you also want to avoid heat stroke in summer, then for this you can include these food items in your diet.

In summer, you get to see cucumbers everywhere in the market. Cucumbers used as a salad can save you from the heatwave in summer. Eating cucumber in this season is considered very beneficial for health. Rich in fiber and vitamins, a large amount of water is found in cucumbers. Apart from maintaining coolness in the body, it also protects you from heat stroke.

Raw onions
Raw onion is considered very useful to avoid heat stroke in summer. In such a situation, if you want to stay healthy in this season, then definitely include onion in your diet. You can also eat it as a salad. Nutrient-rich onion helps keep your stomach cool as well as protecting you from heatstroke.

In the summer season, if you want to avoid heatwaves, then you can include curd in your diet. Consumption of curd in summer is very beneficial for health. You can include curd rich in many qualities in your diet in the form of raita or lassi. Apart from curd, you can also consume buttermilk in summer.

Watermelon is also very beneficial for health in summer. It contains up to 90 percent water, which removes the lack of water in your body during this season. Nutrients like vitamins A, B6, and C, potassium, antioxidants, and amino acids present in it help in keeping the body cool.

Coriander leaves
Coriander leaves are commonly used to garnish any vegetable. But very few people would know that coriander leaves are very helpful in saving you from heat stroke in summer. By including nutrient-rich coriander in your diet, you can stay away from the heat.

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