In today's food cycle, stomach problems are arising more and more. If there is a lot of gas in your stomach and the food containing oil and spices is not digested, then you should also try some home remedies. By taking allopathic medicines, your body breaks down and there are many disadvantages too. That's why by doing some home remedies, we can get rid of stomach disease. If gas is produced in the stomach, flatulence, sour belching, or nausea, then prepare a homemade powder for all these.

Prepare like this
This powder can be easily prepared at home to get rid of gas problems. For this, first of all, take two spoons of celery. Take one-fourth teaspoon of asafoetida and one teaspoon of black salt. Fry ajwain on a lightly heated pan. After this, cool the celery and add asafoetida and salt to it. Grind everything together. After grinding, keep it in an empty vial. This powder is ready for you. Now whenever there is gas in your stomach, nausea, or any other stomach-related disease, then you should consume it with half a teaspoon of water. This powder full of antimicrobial and antiseptic properties will make your stomach problem disappear immediately.

Cumin powder also benefits
You can also take cumin powder to get rid of stomach gas. Whenever there is gas in the stomach, you should eat half a teaspoon of cumin powder with water. First roast cumin. After this grind it and keep it. Grinding it and eating it will show more effect. Cumin contains vitamins A, B, C, and E. There are amino acids and minerals which remove the problem of the stomach.