Diabetes Diet: If the patients with diabetes have to maintain their blood sugar level, then they have to eat such things in which the amount of Glycemic Index is low.

Foods For Diabetes: Diabetes has become a big problem in the present times, which has spread its foot in India many years back. This problem can be genetic, but in most cases, it can be due to a poor lifestyle and unhealthy food habits. Diabetes disease also gives rise to many other problems which include kidney disease, heart disease, high BP, and stroke. In this medical condition, the secretion or use of insulin is not done properly. Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietician working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, said that eating foods with low glycemic index helps control high blood sugar.

Diabetes patients must eat these 4 foods

1. Broccoli

Every green vegetable is considered beneficial for health, but broccoli is not considered less than a superfood. If you eat it regularly, then your blood sugar level and BP will remain under control and immunity will also be boosted.

2. Whole Grain

We must include things made of whole grains ie whole grains in our daily diet because they are very beneficial for health. If diabetic patients want to maintain their blood sugar level, then brown rice should be eaten instead of polished rice and multigrain flour should be eaten instead of normal wheat flour.

3. Egg

Generally, if you eat at least one egg in breakfast, then good cholesterol will start increasing in the body and this will control the amount of glucose in the blood. Eggs contain a good amount of protein which is essential for diabetic patients.

4. Pulses

are such a food that is an important part of our daily life, its combination fits with both rice and roti, but do you know how beneficial it can be for diabetic patients? Pulses are a rich source of protein and fiber, which prove to be beneficial for health.