Just as vitamins A, B, C, and D are needed for good health and a strong body, similarly vitamin B12 is also very important for a healthy body. If it is in sufficient quantity in the body, then diseases cannot easily surround you. Most health experts agree that Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that is extremely useful for our good health.

Why does vitamin B12 deficiency happen in the body?
If you are not consuming the food required for Vitamin B12, then this can be the main reason. Due to dangerous diseases like HIV, absorption of Vitamin B12 is not done in the body. Some bad bacteria, antibiotics, surgery, and tapeworm can also be the reason for the deficiency of this vitamin.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
-Not feeling hungry
-Skin turning pale or dull
-Frequent mood changes
-Take over
-Extremely tired
-Causal event
-Tingling in hands and feet
-Fast heartbeat
-Muscle weakness

Vitamin B-12 deficiency diseases
There is an increased risk of having problems with forgetfulness and confusion.
There is a problem of pain in the bones.
The entire nervous system is also badly affected.
Due to this, there is a problem in reaching blood to every part of the body.

Why Vitamin B-12 is important for health
Vitamin B-12 deficiency badly affects the brain and nervous system.
Women need a lot of vitamin B-12 during pregnancy.
Vitamin B-12 deficiency can cause dementia disease.
Deficiency of this essential vitamin causes pain in bones and joints.
This increases the risk of anemia.
Vitamin B12 is also necessary for energy production in the body.

Eating these things will benefit
If you are also feeling a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, then there are some foods with the help of which you can easily make up for the deficiency of Vitamin B12 (Vitamin B12 Rich Food).

-Desi cheese
-Milk Broccoli