You must have seen that there is a discussion on social media about running barefoot, some people are telling it is the most natural way of running. But not everyone is suited to it. Somewhere in the claims made about barefoot running, it can be described as the best thing ever, some people can even say that they tried it and now I am in terrible pain.

So what does the research suggest if you switch from your normal running routine to barefoot running, and why does it seem to work for some people and not others? A paper published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise tested a new way of running barefoot instead of wearing traditional shoes and investigated why some runners cannot tolerate running barefoot. Researchers identified two key characteristics of runners who failed to perform barefoot.

What the researchers did and what they found

According to the researchers, we studied 76 runners who started barefoot running at 20 weeks and those who used lightweight running shoes in the intermediate stage between running in traditional shoes and running barefoot. For the first four weeks, the runners ran in traditional shoes. For the next four weeks, he increased his time in the lightweight running shoes by no more than 20% of his total running volume each week.

After running full-time in light shoes for the next four weeks, he spent the next four weeks gradually increasing his barefoot running time by no more than 20% per week. Finally, he ran barefoot for the next four weeks. We asked the runners to do calf and foot strengthening exercises and stretches to help support the muscles in running barefoot with traditional shoes. Using this strategy, 70% of runners were able to run barefoot for more than 20 weeks.

Calf pain when running in light shoes and foot pain when running barefoot was the main reasons for not being able to run barefoot. So why isn't running barefoot good for some people? We identified two characteristics that were present in the runners who failed to perform barefoot.

One of the reasons was putting the heel first on the ground when running, and another being a very flexible foot (meaning the raised part of the foot is more flexible when the foot is bearing the weight). Why? It's too early to say for sure, but we do know that running barefoot puts increased stress on the tissues of the foot and calf.

Our findings suggest that this tissue stress is not well tolerated by people who habitually touch the ground heel-first while running and/or their feet when running barefoot or wearing light shoes. move a lot. This can result in pain and eventually injury. We also know from other studies that running barefoot or in light shoes will result in more foot injuries and complaints of calf pain. Traditional shoes usually provide more support and cushioning.

Runners who hit the ground first with their heel while running seem to find it difficult to switch to contact the ground with their midfoot or forefoot. This is such a situation, that it is easy to run barefoot. People with flexible feet will have to stiffen their feet to be able to push off the ground while running, and this may require more effort from their muscles.

Perhaps a more gradual transition period during which the range remains at 10% (not 20%), lighter shoes, or weekly increases in barefoot running over a longer period (eg 40 weeks) may enable those who go barefoot to do so without pain. want to run

Top Tips for Successful Barefoot Running
If you want to run barefoot, keep these tips in mind:
Make a gradual transition over at least 20 weeks. Take more time if needed.
If possible, use a lighter shoe in between running with and without shoes.
Limit increases in light shoes or barefoot running to no more than 20% of the total running distance per week.
Pay attention to pain during and in the 24 hours following your run as a guide - especially if you feel the level of severity is unacceptable.

If you experience pain or need assistance with the transition - especially if you have previous injuries, consult a sports and exercise health care professional (such as a physiotherapist or podiatrist).

Consult a qualified instructor to assist you with your running program
When running barefoot, protect your feet by running in well-lit conditions so you can see obstacles and avoid extremely hot, cold, or sharp surfaces. Also, know this - people who run in a variety of shoes are less likely to get injured than those who run in only one type of shoe.

It may also happen that some runners may not be able to start running barefoot in their traditional running shoes. Running barefoot may not be everyone's cup of tea and no evidence running barefoot burns more calories than running with shoes.