Many health-related problems occur in winter. The problem of high blood pressure increases with colds and infections. You must have often heard people saying that BP increases in cold. The measurement of blood pressure depends on how much blood is passing through your blood vessels. During the winter season, the arteries become narrow i.e. compressed, due to which more force is required to deliver the blood to different parts of the body, as a result of which the blood pressure increases.

The narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure, increased pressure increases the risk of heart disease. If you are also troubled by the problem of high BP. You can get relief with the help of these tips. Dietitian Lavneet Batra is giving information about this

What to do to reduce high BP?

According to experts, garlic should be consumed in case of high blood pressure. Consumption of garlic increases the production of nitric oxide in the body. It helps in promoting vasodilation of the arteries, and helps in widening the arteries.

Garlic contains sulfur compounds which include allicin. These promote dilation of blood vessels and promote blood flow. When blood flows easily, BP automatically remains controlled. Garlic extract can help reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in high BP patients.

Consume garlic like this

  • You can eat crushed raw garlic with a glass of water.
  • Garlic can be eaten by mixing it with honey.
  • Eating roasted garlic is also beneficial.

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