Steve Jobs forgot to update his health like iPhone, a small mistake proved costly

Today we are going to tell you the health story of Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple, which teaches us a big lesson. It is important to understand what should not be ignored in the diet.Steve Jobs Healt...

Steve Jobs forgot to update his health like iPhone, a small mistake proved costly

Today we are going to tell you the health story of Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple, which teaches us a big lesson. It is important to understand what should not be ignored in the diet.Steve Jobs Healt...

Rabies infection due to dog bite: Animal bites are extremely dangerous as they cause infections like rabies.

Many of us are scared of dogs because if they bite us then we can get rabies infection. According to a recent survey, dogs are the animals responsible for the highest number of animal bites in India.R...

It is sad to have to go through a divorce after 20 years or more of married life. This tells us that relationships need time and effort.

Reason For Divorce: Marriage is considered a sacred bond of love and trust. This relationship grows stronger with time and promises to support each other at every turn of life. But, in recent yea...

Why do women fall in love with other men after marriage? You will be surprised to know the reason

Extra Marital Affairs: After marriage, extra marital affair comes like a storm in any married relationship and ruins everything. Extra marital affair is not only of men but also of women. &n...

Why do women fall in love with other men after marriage? You will be surprised to know the reason

Extra Marital Affairs: After marriage, extra marital affair comes like a storm in any married relationship and ruins everything. Extra marital affair is not only of men but also of women. &n...

Why do women fall in love with other men after marriage? You will be surprised to know the reason

Extra Marital Affairs: After marriage, extra marital affair comes like a storm in any married relationship and ruins everything. Extra marital affair is not only of men but also of women. &n...

Why do women fall in love with other men after marriage? You will be surprised to know the reason

Extra Marital Affairs: After marriage, extra marital affair comes like a storm in any married relationship and ruins everything. Extra marital affair is not only of men but also of women. &n...

know the early symptoms of increased uric acid in the body.

Frequent urination is often considered a symptom of diabetes. But it can also be a symptom of high uric acid. Let us know the early symptoms of increased uric acid in the body.   The pr...

Due to unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, people of young age are becoming victims of high BP

Due to unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, people of young age are becoming victims of high BP. Regarding drinking tea during high BP, some people say that tea should be drunk while some peop...