Disturbances in lifestyle and diet are considered to be the cause of many types of diseases. The liver, kidney, and lungs are the major organs whose problems have been seen increasing due to this in the last few decades. Health experts say cases of disorders related to this are increasing in people of almost every age. Diseases of these organs can even have life-threatening side effects in severe cases, so it becomes very important for all people to keep their daily routines in order.

World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7 April under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO) to make people aware of health problems occurring globally.

Health experts say that some wrong daily habits can be harmful to the body parts. Let us know which habits are considered harmful to the liver, kidneys, and lungs, from which all people are advised to keep their distance.

Risk of liver, kidney, and lung diseases
Health experts say lakhs of people die every year due to liver, kidney and lung diseases. The two habits that have been found to be the most dangerous for about 40 percent of the diseases of these organs are alcohol and smoking.

Doctors say, both these habits can cause many types of chronic diseases. Due to this, the risk can range from kidney failure to liver and lung cancer. If these are improved, we can protect ourselves from many serious health problems.

Kidney-lung disease caused by smoking
Smoking harms our health in many ways. This causes the most damage to the lungs and kidneys. The smoke emitted from smoking contains a mixture of many types of harmful chemicals, which increases the risk of serious damage to the lung muscles and even developing lung cancer.

The habit of smoking has been seen to harm the kidneys as well as the lungs. Studies have found that smoking can cause damage to blood vessels, which can restrict blood flow to the kidneys and increase the risk of kidney diseases.

Risk of liver cancer due to alcohol
Researchers say, like smoking, alcohol consumption is also considered harmful to overall health. Due to this, the risk of liver diseases and cancer in serious cases has also been seen to increase. Health experts say that people who drink alcohol for a long time have an increased risk of developing liver diseases, and problems like inflammation and hepatitis.

The risk of liver failure has also been seen to be increased in people who consume excessive alcohol.

What is the advice of experts?
Doctors say that the way the habit of alcohol and smoking is increasing among young adults can lead to the risk of serious health problems. If you stay away from these two habits, you can remain safe from about 40 percent of diseases related to these organs. Liver-kidney helps in removing toxins from the body, hence due to problems in these organs, there can be a risk of increased toxicity in the body and complications due to it, due to which there is a need to make continuous efforts for prevention.

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