The harshness of winter has started. The period of cold winds continues. People have started coming out of the house wearing warm clothes. It is very important to keep the body warm in this season because small carelessness can make you ill. To protect yourself from cold and to get enough energy, you can consume a special type of laddu in your diet. It is common to eat gum laddus in this season. But today we are giving you information about golden laddus as told by expert woman Sethia. This provides a lot of warmth to the body. Let us know its other benefits.

Benefits of eating Golden Laddu

  • This homemade laddu with dry fruits and a sweet taste can give you a feeling of warmth in winter. This is a great and nutritious breakfast.
  • The dates present in it are like a natural sweetener which is an alternative to processed sugar. This will eliminate your sweet cravings and will also give you energy in winter. Dates are also helpful in boosting immunity. It contains many nutrients including vitamins and iron.
  • Dates and nuts have fibre content that promotes digestion and keeps you feeling full for a longer period. There is no risk of weight gain due to this.
  • It also contains healthy fats which can help you in various physical functions.
  • The fats and sugar present in it can give you instant energy.
  • Experts say that even though it is rich in nutrients when you consume it, keep the portion size in mind because the amount of calories in it is also high. You can consume it with hot milk.

Ingredients for making laddu

  • 4 dates
  • 6 cashews
  • a pinch of black pepper powder
  • one spoon ghee
  • Half tablespoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon coconut flakes

Method of making laddu

  • Grind dates, cashews and coconut powder together
  • Now add a pinch of black pepper powder, turmeric and ghee.
  • Now bind them.
  • Energy-filled laddus are ready.

Image Credit- Freepik