Vastu tips for office: Feng Shui is a Chinese religious practice that gives importance to Vastu and the surrounding conditions, and it is believed that by sitting in the right direction and following the principles of Vastu, we can bring happiness, contentment, and Can achieve prosperity. If you lack self-confidence and want to boost it through Feng Shui, here are some ideas that you can incorporate in your surroundings:

Picture of mountain:

You have to adjust according to your office, in such a situation, instead of sitting in the office, you should put a photo of a mountain on the wall behind you, as soon as you put this photo, your self-confidence will increase very fast and you will feel healthy in doing the work. Not only this, you will be focused while doing work, not only this, there will be chances of your promotion and you will earn a lot of money.

Sit in the right direction: In Feng Shui, sitting in the right direction is important. Sitting in the right direction can give you more strength and satisfaction. Try to sit in the right direction in your work area to increase your confidence.

Morning Affirmations: Every morning, say positive affirmations to boost self-confidence. Use these affirmations to share your goals and direct your actions in the right direction.

Cleanliness and cleanliness of work area: Keeping your work area clean and neat ensures better flow of natural energy, which also increases your confidence.

Natural light: Use natural light as it fills your work area with natural energy and boosts your confidence.

Plants and flowers: Keeping plants and flowers in your work area can increase your confidence and energy.

All these measures can help in increasing your confidence.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on assumptions and information. KT does not confirm it. Before implementing any belief, consult the concerned expert.