Eggs are considered very beneficial for health. It is considered a complete food. Talking about nutrients, protein, calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin B12, thiamine, and selenium are present in it. To get these benefits, people consume eggs blindly.

Its consumption increases even more during the winter season. Some people eat it by boiling it while others make an omelette out of it and eat it. If you also consume more eggs than required, then be careful. Because eating too many eggs can cause harm to you. Let us know from the experts what harm can be caused by eating too many eggs.

What harm can occur from eating too many eggs?

Harmful for heart

According to experts, eggs contain cholesterol; hence if it is consumed in large quantities daily, the risk of heart diseases may increase. However, it can be even more harmful for people who have high cholesterol problems.

BP problem

Eggs contain protein and fat. If you consume it daily then it may increase your blood pressure. This is the reason why BP patients are advised to eat the egg yolk after removing it.

Weight may increase

Eating too many eggs can also increase your weight. Experts say that the yellow part of the egg contains fat which if not burnt at the right time, gets accumulated in the body.

Problem in digestion

Eating too many eggs can cause digestion problems. There is difficulty in digesting excess cholesterol and protein. In such a situation, there may also be complaints of bloating, stomach cramps and swelling.

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