The child who used to be under your supervision all day is now going to school. In such a situation, instead of getting worried, prepare him for any kind of emergency in school, so that he remains safe. Schools for children have opened. In such a situation, the children who are going to school for the first time are very excited. But the parents are a little tense because till now their child used to be with them for their safety and in front of their eyes. In such a situation, it is natural for parents to be worried about the safety of children. But instead of being afraid, you should inform your child about emergencies and tell him how to deal with them. With this, the child will be able to take appropriate steps for his safety in difficult situations and keep himself safe.
General information
If possible, make the child remember the mobile number of the house, as well as ask the child to remember the signs on the way to school, such as shops, trees, or empty grounds. By doing this, if the child accidentally leaves the school alone, he can reach home by following the road signs.
In case of sudden stomach ache
The gut health of children is weak. In such a situation, the problem of stomach ache is often seen in them. Children are not able to mingle with new people and due to hesitation, they do not inform the teacher about it, due to which the teacher also gets nervous. To deal with this situation, you have to explain to your child that if he suddenly starts having stomach aches, then first go to the toilet and freshen up because sometimes indigestion also causes stomach aches. If even then the pain does not subside, then immediately inform your teacher about it.
In case of injury
Usually, children get minor injuries while playing. Therefore, tell them that whether the injury is minor or major, they must tell their teacher, so that she can provide first aid. Teach them not to be afraid of telling this to the teacher, because sometimes this minor injury can prove to be dangerous, and also advise them to always stay away from the electricity board.
If he gets locked in the toilet
A small child is taken to the toilet in school only under the supervision of the teacher, but if he ever goes to the toilet alone and gets locked, what to do then, must be taught. You should tell him that in this situation he should not panic or cry, but rather stay calm listen to the teacher, and trust that the teacher will take him out.
Distance from unknown people
All parents and teachers advise children to never take or eat anything given by an unknown person. Still, if any unknown person tries to cajole them or says that your mother has sent me, then do not believe his words and immediately inform your teacher about it.
Your open dialogue with the teacher
Child development consultant Dr. Rohini Sethi says it is the duty of every parent to prepare their child for emergencies in school. Therefore, explain to him that he should not go alone outside the class and school. Do not touch sharp objects. If any school employee tries to touch him/her inappropriately, then inform the teacher and your parents. Be cautious of strangers and do not take any food items from them.
The most important thing is that you should have an open dialogue with the child's teacher. If any incident has happened in your house, then you must inform the child's class teacher about it and if there is any change in the child's behavior, then the teacher must inform the parents. If you pay attention to these small things, then you will be able to keep your child safe even when you are away from him/her.