Long and beautiful nails are the desire of every girl as they help in making your look attractive. Nowadays, many types of nail art are done on the nails and long nails are necessary for this. But it is seen with many girls that their nails break again and again before they grow and they have to use artificial nails for nail art. In such a situation, you need to understand that sometimes nails break due to hormonal reasons and sometimes due to lack of nutrition. That's why today in this episode, we have come up with some remedies for you, with the help of which you can get long and beautiful nails by removing the problem of repeated breakage of nails. Let us know about these measures…

Lemon juice
Consumption of vitamin C increases the growth of nails. Cut a lemon and rub it on the nails of your hands and feet at least once a day. After rubbing it for five minutes, wash hands with warm water. Rubbing lemon on the nails will keep the nails clean and bacteria free, as well as increase the growth of the nails.

Olive oil
If your nails are damaged and brittle then olive oil is the best option for you. Olive oil reaches the inner layer of your nails and also increases the growth of nails. It also helps in improving blood circulation and helps in the growth of nails. To use it on your nails, heat olive oil and gently massage your nails and cuticles for about five minutes. If you want, massage your nails with this oil before sleeping at night and leave it till morning.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil can be considered as an effective way to increase nails. Actually, coconut oil can help in curing fungal infections. Nails can become weak due to infection. To use, heat coconut oil in a bowl. Now massage your fingers and nails with it in circular motion. Use it before sleeping at night and leave it overnight. Then in the morning wash the fingers and nails with lukewarm water. You can do this every night before sleeping.