We have to take care of hair in every season because it gets affected due to dirt. We use shampoo to clean hair, but then hair conditioner has to be applied. It is made of oils, emollients, and silicones which play an important role in smoothening the hair texture. Also, through this, the hair gets a protective layer, which reduces the risk of hair fall, but if you apply the conditioner in the wrong way, the hair can be damaged. Let us know what things you should take care of to use this thing.

Keep these things in mind while applying conditioner
Many people do not apply conditioner after applying shampoo which can prove to be a big mistake. By applying this, a balance will be maintained between cleaning and nourishing the hair. Come let's know how to apply conditioner so that your hair becomes as beautiful as Bollywood actress Moni Roy.

1. Use mild shampoo only before applying conditioner. Then apply conditioner from mid-hair to tip. you will get a lot out of it
2. Do not apply the conditioner to the roots of the hair and its quantity depends on the total length of the hair.
3. Wash hair only after applying hair conditioner for at least 3-4 minutes. If you pour water on your head immediately, then you will not get the benefit of the conditioner.

4. Before applying conditioner, you should find out the product you are going to use and how much is right for you. Use a mild conditioner for thin hair and a strong product will work for curly hair.
5. Never apply shampoo and conditioner together, as this is not the right way and can cause hair damage.