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Hemoglobin deficiency can cause fatigue, weakness, and frequent dizziness in the body. Therefore, to increase hemoglobin, we should adopt a diet that increases it. Today I will tell you about some things which help in increasing hemoglobin.

Spinach is one of the green vegetables which is rich in folic acid, iron, and vitamin C. All these elements help in the production of hemoglobin. That's why spinach should be consumed daily. Beetroot is a medicinal fruit that is rich in iron and vitamin C. Its intake increases the amount of hemoglobin and improves blood circulation.

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Fig is a sweet fruit that is rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin C. Its use improves blood circulation. Eggs are rich in iron, vitamin B-12, and folic acid. Due to the presence of these elements, egg helps in increasing hemoglobin.

Dates are sweet fruits that are rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin C. Its intake increases the amount of hemoglobin and improves blood circulation. Asparagus Green and leafy vegetables are rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin C. Eating these increases the level of hemoglobin.