At present, it is seen that the number of heart patients is continuously increasing among people dying of diseases. An increase in cholesterol is also one of the reasons behind heart disease. Cholesterol is a waxy or fat-like substance found in all cells of the body. High cholesterol accumulates in the veins and blocks them due to which the risk of heart attack starts looming. In such a situation, if cholesterol is increasing in the body, then do not make the mistake of ignoring it. Today, in this episode, we are going to give you information about some such diets, the intake of which causes an increase in bed cholesterol. It is in your best interest to stay away from the diet mentioned here. Let us know about these diets…

Dairy products
Remember that dairy products supply calcium and minerals, which are essential for your bones and teeth. But high-fat dairy products like cheese, butter, and high-fat milk contain high amounts of cholesterol, so don't eat high-fat dairy products. 100 grams of butter contains 215 milligrams of cholesterol, which is equivalent to 72 percent of a day's cholesterol consumption. Therefore, instead of high-fat dairy products, you can eat low-fat dairy products.

Eating sweets
Many people have the desire to eat something sweet after eating food or when their mood is bad. But consuming sweets in excess reduces the amount of good cholesterol in the body. Also, the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) starts increasing. Therefore, to reduce the level of fat, you should not consume cakes, pastries, ice cream, and chocolates. Due to this, along with increasing weight, there is also a fear of tooth decay.

Most people eat biscuits with tea, which can increase cholesterol. According to Australia's government health website, a biscuit is a processed food that contains saturated fat. Coronary artery disease is made from this fat.

You should not eat mutton if the cholesterol level is high. Although meat is a very good source of protein, most mutton contains saturated fat, which is harmful to cholesterol patients. Cholesterol depends on the quality and type of fat, so don't eat bad fats. Meats such as liver, beef, pork, and processed meats contain white fat, which promotes bad cholesterol.

Deep fried foods
Things like fritters and fried chicken come under the category of deep-fried foods. These foods are high in the worst kind of fat, called trans fats. This is the biggest reason for increasing LDL cholesterol.

Many people like to eat chicken or non-veg every day. But this can prove to be very harmful to your health. The saturated fat found in it can damage the cells of your body. Along with this, high blood pressure and heart problems can also increase. If your cholesterol level is increasing, then you should not consume chicken even by mistake.

Junk food
Burgers, Pizza, Pasta, etc are junk food. To make butter, cream, cheese, and other artificial ingredients are added. All these things work to increase cholesterol in the veins, so stay away from them.