Constipation Remedies: The problem of constipation is very common today. Especially, women who are suffering from PCOS may have more problems of constipation. In PCOS, women often face the problem of constipation. Actually, due to this, the gut bacteria get affected and it becomes difficult to clean the stomach. Apart from this, stomach-related problems often trouble women with PCOS. Let us tell you that PCOS i.e. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal disorder, which affects the overall health of women including fertility, and periods. To get rid of constipation in PCOS, you should make 3 lifestyle changes. Dietitian Manpreet is giving information about this. Manpreet has done a Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a hormone and gut health coach.

Take ghee with lukewarm water

Taking ghee with lukewarm water is effective in relieving constipation. It acts as a lubricant and softens the stool, making it easier to pass. Apart from this, it also affects insulin resistance.

Do Malasana every morning

To get relief from constipation in PCOS, do Malasana every morning. Malasana relaxes the pelvic muscles and also provides relief from pain during periods. Sit in this position for some time every morning

Adopt this method to clean your stomach

According to experts, the Indian toilet is better than the Western toilet for cleaning the stomach. In this, the position in which you sit creates pressure on the entire digestive system and the stomach gets cleaned easily. If the Indian seat is not at the same level, then sit in the western seat with the help of a stool. This puts pressure on the rectum and relaxes the pelvic muscles, due to which the stomach gets cleared easily and constipation is relieved. When you place a stool near a Western seat and place your feet on it, it becomes somewhat similar to the position in which you sit on an Indian toilet and the stomach gets cleaned easily.

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