Cold Flu Home Remedies: In the changing season, it is becoming more cold, in such a situation it is common to have the problem of cough, bacterial or viral infection, allergy or cold, for this you can get rid of this problem with some easy home remedies, cold and cough. If you have this problem, you can get rid of it by using some other things present in your kitchen, let us know about the easy home remedies.

In the changing season, the problem of cough and cold often persists, in such a situation you can easily get rid of this problem by consuming some things.

Ginger and Clove Tea

We all like tea very much, but you can make tea even more healthy, which will give you relief in winter, for this you should consume ginger and clove tea, you will get benefits.

Ginger tea

Ginger Tea: By consuming this ginger tea twice, you will easily get rid of cold, cough and flu and other stomach related problems will also go away.


Amla is very beneficial for weather related problems. Vitamin C present in it will also provide relief to your hair and throat problems.


Amla is very beneficial, it contains rich amount of anti-oxidants which helps in increasing your immunity.

Consumption of honey and basil

Consuming basil leaf juice and honey together keeps you away from many types of diseases, many types of nutrients present in it remove bed bacteria from the body.

If you also have the problem of whooping cough, then you must consume basil juice and honey twice a day.

Flax seeds

These seeds are very hot, hence by consuming them, the problem of cold will go away soon, many vitamins and nutrients present in it will help in keeping you warm from inside.

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