Pizza For Weight Loss: Maintaining calories is very important in the weight loss journey. Apart from this, all junk food like burgers and pizza also have to be avoided. Many people sweat a lot in the gym to maintain their figure. Let us tell you here that pizza, the favourite food of most of us, can also help you lose weight. Aren't you surprised? Because the thing is like this. How effective is pizza with saturated fat and high calories in weight loss?

Nutritionist Aanchal Sogani says that you can reduce your weight even with pizza. So let's know how this junk food helps in our weight loss journey.

How to lose weight with pizza
According to nutritionist Aanchal Sogani, weight can be reduced even by eating pizza. But for this, you have to be very careful. You will have to pay attention to the frequency of consumption and portion size. You can choose a small size pizza for this or you can share it with someone if you have a big pizza. According to Aanchal Sogana, you can use wheat crust instead of flour for pizza crust. With this, you will get fibre and all kinds of nutrients.

Apart from this, adding vegetables like capsicum, mushrooms, onions, spinach, and tomatoes can increase the healthy ingredients in the pizza while keeping the calories low. According to the dietician, pizza should be made only with healthy ingredients. You can keep nutrient-rich things instead of high-fat things on the pizza top.

How much pizza
It is important to keep in mind that pizza should be eaten in moderation. Don't eat it like your main course food. According to nutritionist Aanchal Sogani, many things like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains are also necessary for weight loss. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine will help you burn calories and help you lose weight.