Surya Dev: In Hinduism, Surya is worshiped as a deity. Sunday is dedicated to the Sun God. It is said that on this day, if you offer water to the Sun, then the special blessings of the Sun God remain upon you. It is believed that early in the morning, your body has the maximum peace and energy, so you get the full benefit of offering Arghya at this time.

Benefits of offering Arghya by mixing flowers
In Sanatan Dharma, flowers are specially used in the worship of Gods and Goddesses. While offering water to Sun God, there should be flowers in the water vessel. By doing this you get the blessings of Lord Suryadev, and all your work gets accomplished.

This will lead to peace and happiness
Akshat is considered very sacred in Hinduism? Akshat is mainly used in the worship of Gods and Goddesses and any auspicious work. According to astrology, by pouring rice in water and offering Arghya to the sun, happiness, and peace remains in life.

What is the benefit of offering Arghya by pouring Rolli
It is considered very auspicious to offer Arghya to the Sun by putting a roll in the water. According to astrology, by doing this, the sun defect is removed. This also improves health. It is believed that the red color of roli connects us to the rays of the sun and this increases blood circulation in the body.

Due to this, the sum of the marriage is made
Turmeric is considered very auspicious in Sanatan Dharma. Turmeric is mainly used in auspicious functions like marriage etc. According to astrology, adding turmeric to the water and offering Arghya to the sun, the chances of marriage are made.

benefits of mixing sugar candy in water
Sugar candy is used in the enjoyment of God. It is believed that God is pleased by offering sugar candy to Prasad. According to astrology, while offering Arghya to the Sun, adding sugar candy to the water and offering water, the grace of the Sun God remains. Due to this happiness also remains in your life.
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