Our house is our home, in which we want the best of everything. Generally, windows are used for air and sunlight in the house. From the kitchen to the bedroom, we use windows everywhere. But selecting the right window frames can be a bit tricky. If you are building a new house or renovating your old house, then you should choose the right window frame.

Since there are many types of window frames available in the market nowadays, before selecting any one frame, you should know about different types of window frames. Each window frame has its advantages and disadvantages. So first you should consider them. So, today in this article, we are telling you about different types of window frames, after knowing about which it will be very easy for you to choose the right window frame-

Wooden window frame

Wooden window frames give a traditional touch to your home and such frames never go out of style. A natural material like wood gives a superior look. They can be painted in any colour, which gives a royal look to your home.

They are very easy to maintain and their design can also be customized. However, wood windows can be damaged by excessive moisture. In addition, wood is easily attacked by termites, causing it to deteriorate.

Fiberglass window frames

The use of fibreglass window frames has grown tremendously over the years. These are made to handle outdoor weather. Their fibreglass acts as a kind of sound resistance framework. Apart from this, its thin frame provides a largely visual experience.

These are long-lasting and recyclable. However, they are very expensive and tend to discolour in sunlight over time.

Vinyl window frames

Vinyl window frames are made from polyvinyl chloride. This is the same material mainly used in plumbing fittings or pipes. Not only are they very economical to install in the house, but once installed in the house, there is no need to spend any money on their maintenance.

This is the reason why most people prefer to use this type of window frame in their homes. However, most manufacturers do not follow the Energy Star rating system, due to which has a bad effect on the environment. Their resale value is also very low.

Aluminium window frame

Aluminium window frames go well with both traditional and modern styles. Aluminium frames are very strong and are low-maintenance. One speciality of aluminium window frames is that they do not rust nor do they fade. They can handle any weather with ease.

Hence, you can use them as outdoor window frames. However, aluminium window frames tend to absorb cold and hence do not perform well in cold climate areas. In addition, aluminium is expensive when compared to vinyl and fibreglass.


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