Photo Credit: India

It is seen that many people like to consume curd, but there are some people who start making faces as soon as they hear the name of curd. If you also do not like the consumption of curd, then let us tell you that nutrients are found in abundance in it which are very beneficial for our health. Including curd regularly in the diet provides relief from many problems. Let us tell you through this article about the benefits of consuming curd regularly -

Photo Credit: Hindustan

* Strengthen digestion:

If you include curd in your daily diet, then your digestive system becomes strong. As a probiotic food, yogurt contains live microorganisms. This helps in maintaining the balance in stomach acid stars thus it works as an effective remedy for the problem of indigestion.

* Beneficial for bones:

Consuming curd is considered very beneficial for bone health because calcium and phosphorus are found in abundance in it, which works to strengthen our bones. Consuming curd regularly can prevent fractures and bone-related problems such as The risk of arthritis and osteoporosis is reduced to a great extent.

Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

* Help in weight control:

Another great benefit of curd is found in controlling weight. Curd is rich in protein which works to control blood sugar levels. It helps in reducing insulin resistance and glucose levels in the body thereby helping in controlling the risk of heart conditions and diabetes.

* Beneficial for heart health:

Consuming curd is very beneficial for heart health Let us tell you that despite the amount of fat, curd helps in improving heart health by increasing HDL or good cholesterol and reducing high blood pressure. Due to this, the risk of heart-related diseases is reduced to a great extent.