We all know that to maintain overall health, it is very important to have strong bones. Often people think that going to the gym or lifting weights strengthens their muscles and bones. However, it is not like that. Apart from your workout routine, what kind of diet you take is very important.

Often people consume calcium-rich foods for strong bones. However, bones cannot be strengthened with the help of calcium alone. For this, you need to pay equal attention to other nutrients also. Well, bones can be made stronger not only by eating food but also with the help of some drinks. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you about some such drinks, with the help of which bones can be strengthened-

Green tea

Generally, it is believed that green tea is helpful in weight loss. However, green tea is equally beneficial for bones. Green tea contains compounds like catechins and polyphenols. These compounds improve bone formation, making bones stronger. Not only this, the antioxidants in green tea can help protect bones from damage.

Bone Broth

When it comes to strengthening bones, consuming bone broth is considered very good. Bone broth is made by boiling animal bones and connective tissues. Bone broth contains many minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These minerals make your bones strong.


Since childhood, we all have been consuming milk to strengthen our bones. Milk is considered an excellent source of not only calcium but also vitamin D and phosphorus. While calcium is essential for bone structure, vitamin D aids calcium absorption. Additionally, phosphorus supports bone mineralization.


Consuming smoothies is also considered very good for strengthening bones. Especially, if apart from curd and milk, you include green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale etc. then it has a very good effect on the bones. Leafy vegetables like kale and spinach are rich in calcium, vitamin K and magnesium. These nutrients support calcium absorption and bone mineralization, thereby strengthening bones.

Vegetable juice

If you want to maintain the health of your bones, then vegetable juice can be consumed. Vegetable juice contains calcium, magnesium, vitamin K and many other minerals. These nutrients make your bones stronger.


When it comes to keeping bones healthy, people consume many types of drinks but often forget water. But staying hydrated is important to strengthen bones. Not only this, water has a positive effect on your overall health. Water helps transport nutrients to cells and remove waste products from the body. Which indirectly helps in strengthening the bones.

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