Our digestive system is quite complex. From digesting food in the body to removing waste materials, many organs work together in the digestive system where the liver helps in digesting food, whereas the intestines take out its remains. If there is a problem in the function of any part involved in the digestive system, then it affects our digestion and overall health. Nowadays problems related to intestines and liver have become quite common. Wrong eating and lifestyle are behind this.

Leaky gut, ie leaky gut, is a major problem related to the intestines which affects our health. When the intestines leak, many symptoms start appearing in the body. Dietician Manpreet informs us about what leaky gut is and what are its symptoms. Dietician Manpreet has her Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University.She is a hormone and gut health coach.

What is leaking intestines?

People often mistake leaking intestines for diarrhoea. But leaking of the intestines is not diarrhoea. According to experts, there is a layer on the intestines, which is called the layer of epithelium. When there is inflammation in it or there is an excess in it, due to this, the infection in the intestines can increase. This layer works to absorb all the nutrition. But when there is a disturbance in it, toxins start forming in the body and there is swelling in the intestines. Due to this, the intestine starts leaking. This can lead to several nutritional deficiencies and metabolic syndrome.

Due to leaky gut

  • Bad eating habits
  • High intake of sugar and fat
  • Lack of dietary fibre
  • Overdoing pain killers
  • To be anxious
  • Take alcohol
  • body infection

Symptoms of leaky gut

  • Feeling bloated after eating
  • Excessive gas production
  • Heartburn
  • Belching after eating
  • Feeling full
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Feeling irritable

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