How To Use Onion Hair Serum: As soon as the weather changes, you start facing the problem of hair fall, to get rid of this you use many types of expensive products. But there is no visible effect of these products on your hair. In such a situation, today we have brought you the method of making onion hair serum at home. Antibacterial properties are present in onions, which help fight any type of hair infection. On the other hand, applying onion to the hair promotes hair growth. Along with this, it also prevents hair fall and removes every hair problem, so let's know how to make Onion Hair Serum

Ingredients to make onion hair serum-

Onion 1 medium size

Coconut oil 2 tbsp

Castor oil 1 tbsp

How to make onion hair serum?

To make an onion hair serum, first of all take an onion.

Then you peel it and cut it into pieces and put it in the grinder.

After this, grind it well and make a smooth paste.

Then with the help of a cotton cloth squeeze out the onion juice.

After this, add coconut oil, jojoba oil, and castor oil to this juice.

Then mix all these things well.

After this, fill the prepared mixture in a container and store it.

How to apply onion hair serum?

Apply onion hair serum to your hair with the help of a cotton ball.

Then leave it for at least 1 hour.

After this, wash your hair with lukewarm water and wash it with shampoo.

This serum proves helpful in fighting hair infections.

At the same time, it also gets rid of hair fall.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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