Headache has become common in this busy life. If elderly people suffer from headaches then the reason behind it is considered to be stress or BP, but these days children are also complaining of headaches. If your child also complains of a headache, then you need to know what the reason behind it is.

Why do children get headaches?

  • Children may get headaches due to stress. Some children feel so much stress regarding studies that they start having headaches. Sometimes the behaviour of parents with children can also prove to be the cause of stress and headache.

  • At the same time, your child may also have headaches due to migraine. Headache may increase due to bright light or excessive noise. Sometimes vomiting may also occur.
  • If your children use mobile or computer for a long time, it can cause eye strain and this can also cause pain. In such a situation, limit children's screen time. If the child is complaining of pain for a long time, then you should get his eyes checked. Many times the problem of headache occurs due to weak eyesight.
  • Some children have a habit of staying awake till late at night. In such a situation, headache also occurs due to lack of sleep. If your child is complaining of a headache, then you should monitor his sleeping and put him to sleep at the right time.
  • Children may also suffer from headaches due to lack of nutrients. Along with this, dehydration is also responsible for headaches. You should give proper diet to children and take full care of hydration. Despite this, if the child complains of a headache, it would be better to contact a doctor.

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