Home Remedies to Get Rid of Lice Naturally: When you do not take proper care of the hair, then dirt gets filled in the hair, due to which the problem of lice starts in your hair. To avoid this, it is necessary to take care of hair by washing it from time to time. In such a situation, if there is a problem with lice in your head, then today we have come up with a home remedy to remove lice from your hair. This home remedy shows a panacea effect on lice. As soon as you try this on the hair, all the lice themselves die in the hair itself. Along with this, this recipe also proves helpful in making your hair healthy, so let us know how to make a home remedy to remove lice from hair.....

Ingredients to make a home remedy to remove lice from hair-

A bowl of coconut oil

Few camphor tablets

How to make a home remedy to remove lice from your hair?

To make a home remedy to remove lice from hair, first of all, take a pan.

Then you put a bowl of coconut oil in it and keep it for heating.

After this, add some camphor tablets and mix them.

Then heat this oil till the tablets melt.

After this, turn off the gas and leave the oil to cool down a bit.

How to try a home remedy to remove lice from hair?

To remove lice from hair, apply the prepared oil well in the roots of your hair.

After this, massage the hair lightly and comb the lice.

By applying this oil, lice die in your hair itself.

You can try this recipe twice a week for the best results.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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