How to start exercise: We all want to keep ourselves fit and slim. But for this, along with exercise and physical activities, the diet has to be controlled, it is not in the control of all of us… because it seems very boring and does not feel like doing it at all! That's all, then what... thinking this, most people never start exercising!

If you also want to exercise but are unable to start… or start but are unable to continue… then the tips mentioned here will be very useful for you. Here are some such things, after thinking about and consulting yourself, when you start exercising, you will never leave it again…

How to start an exercise routine?
First of all, remind yourself and explain why you have to start exercising.
After this decide your goal. This means how many kilos you have to reduce.
Then fix a deadline that within so many days I have to lose that much weight.
Do not decide to exercise every day at the same time. Because it seems good for a few days in the beginning, after that it may seem cumbersome. So start with just 3 days a week. Exercise every alternate day.
Do not do a lot of exercise in the beginning. Rather go ahead slowly one step at a time. Start with the easiest steps in the beginning. So that the enthusiasm remains till the end and fatigue does not dominate.
Make a plan that suits your daily routine. That is, you don't need to exercise every day in the morning, if you want, you can do it in the evening by taking time and taking care of the important things.

Exercise seems boring
Whenever you start getting bored with exercise, remind yourself of your goal. Challenge yourself and combine it with your willpower for yourself. This will help you maintain continuity.
It is not just you that gets bored while exercising. This happens with most people. But the most important thing is to awaken hunger in your mind for this. When you start getting fit, when your body starts getting in shape, then your hunger for fitness will also start increasing.
Pay attention not only to exercise but also to your diet. Follow the healthy diet chart according to your lifestyle on the advice of an expert. You can also keep a cheat day in it so that one day you can eat the food of your choice.