Acidity Problems: If you often have problems with stomach upset or acidity, then today we tell you 5 surefire ways to deal with it.

Home Remedies: The problem of constipation and acidity is increasing in people nowadays due to disturbances in eating habits and poor lifestyles. If these problems are occasional then it is not much of a problem, but if it all becomes routine then it should be taken as a big danger. Today we tell you some such home remedies to deal with these problems, by adopting which you can strengthen your digestive system.

Make clove and cardamom remedy

If you have bloating, constipation, or acidity in the stomach for a long time, then you should take the remedy of cloves and cardamom. It has carminative properties. By using this your acid reflux improves. On the other hand, cardamom mine reduces the heat of the stomach, which provides relief from constipation.

Drink lukewarm water every morning

Mild lukewarm water has been said to kill all diseases and increase immunity power. That's why you must drink 2 glasses of lukewarm water every morning as soon as you wake up. This lukewarm water plays an amazing role in keeping your digestive system healthy. Due to this, the toxins are removed from the body and the body remains hydrated.

Do these yogasanas when you have stomach pain

If you are troubled by stomach pain, nausea, or frequent sour belching, then you should do some yoga postures. Of these, the dormant conditioned konasana is considered the best. This asana is also known as Reclining Bound Angle Pose. This asana is considered very beneficial in getting rid of problems in the digestive system.

Ginger is good for health

To keep the stomach fit, you can also take measures of fennel seeds, mint leaves, and ginger. Take some water and boil these three things in it. After this, consume it in the morning. According to health experts, ginger contains a special element called gingerol, which helps a lot in digesting food. Mint and fennel are also considered helpful in keeping the stomach clean.

Avoid eating spicy and greasy food

The diet of your food also plays an important role in keeping the digestive system healthy. As far as possible, avoid eating spicy, chili, or greasy food. Constipation, diarrhea, and acidity increase the problem of eating such food. Instead, increase the use of less spicy vegetables, pulses, milk, and curd in your diet. These foods calm the heat of the stomach and remove acidity.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)