Liver damage creates a very serious condition for the body. Almost every part of the body is affected by this. This is because toxins are released from the body only with the help of the liver. Besides, this organ plays an important role in digestion, good cholesterol, and the formation of red blood cells.

Actually, the liver has the capacity to keep itself healthy. But if you have been living a bad lifestyle for a long time, your liver is not able to protect itself for long. You can see some signs of this in your nails also.

Change in color

Due to liver problems, the color of nails starts changing. It becomes colorless and starts turning light yellow. Besides, the white part visible on the nail also disappears completely.

Dark lines appear

There are no dark lines on healthy nails. But when the liver is malfunctioning, some red-brown or yellow sharp thick lines start appearing on the nails.

Out of shape

There is no doubt that the shape of everyone's nails is different. But when it starts appearing strangely flat and sunken into the skin, it can be a sign of liver failure.

Breaking quickly

Signs of liver damage also include weakening of nails. In this condition, the nails start breaking from the edges or come out in the form of very small filings.

It is important to remember these symptoms of damaged liver

According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of a damaged liver include yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, called jaundice. Symptoms include black or brown skin, pain and swelling in the stomach, swelling in the feet and ankles, itching in the skin, dark urine, persistent fatigue, nausea or vomiting, and loss of appetite.

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