Sleeping late at night is not only a bad habit, it can also lead to these serious diseases
- bySherya
- 04 Feb, 2025

Late Night Sleeping Habits : Nowadays most people have the habit of sleeping late at night. Especially the lifestyle of children studying and working youth becomes like this. But according to experts, sleeping late at night is not an ideal sleeping pattern at all. Sleeping late at night can cause many serious problems to a person.

Late Night Sleeping Causes Health Problems : In today's date, the lifestyle of people has become such that people sleep late at night. This is usually seen among the working youth. Many people also sleep late due to working till late night. Many times people consider it a normal thing. But, sleeping late at night for a long time can cause many health problems. In a special conversation with Dr. Tushar Tayal of CK Birla Hospital, it was learned that what kind of mental and physical problems can a person face by sleeping late at night? Dr. says that by sleeping late at night, any person can face many types of health problems.
Sleeping late at night causes health problems
According to him, sleeping late at night increases high blood pressure and heart problems. Apart from this, immunity problems also increase. This can also cause many types of infections. Along with this, sleeping late at night also causes hormonal imbalance and can cause diabetes and digestion related problems. He says that if we talk about mental health, then it can reduce your memory power and concentration. Dr. Tayal says that sleeping late at night also leads to problems of depression and anxiety. Apart from this, irritability and anger also start increasing. At the same time, dark circles and wrinkles are also seen under the eyes.
how much sleep should a person get in a day
On the question of how much sleep a person should take in a day, Dr. Tayal said that it depends on the age of that person. Dr. Tayal said that if we talk about a new born baby, then he should sleep for 14 to 16 hours. On the other hand, school going children should sleep for 9 to 13 hours. When you enter adolescence, you should sleep for 9 to 10 hours. On the other hand, the youth should sleep for 7 to 9 hours a day. Similarly, the elderly should also sleep for 7 to 9 hours.
Idle Slipping Time
According to him, any person should sleep by 10 pm, because our sleep cycle depends on sunrise and sunset. As soon as the sun sets, the melitonium hormone starts releasing in our body, which helps us sleep and its effect ends as soon as the morning comes. The maximum melitonium is released in our body at four in the night. This is our ideal sleeping time, because at this time we get good sleep. Dr. says that age has nothing to do with sleeping, but it cannot be denied that as age increases, there is a problem in sleeping.
Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.