In the Corona period, the effect of infection was on physical health as well as on mental health. Covid affected the mental health of people across the world. People were affected by the fear of infection when they go out, social distancing, and the effects of the lockdown on their lives. Mental problems increase the chances of many serious diseases. Meditation can be done to improve mental health and calm the turmoil going on in the mind. Meditation calms the mind and maintains mental balance. There are many benefits of meditation. Meditation can be done anywhere in any way. First of all, know what is meditation. Learn about the method and benefits of meditation.

What is meditation?
Meditation is called meditation. Meditation calms the mind. You can do meditation anywhere at any time. Just like meditation can be done in the rush of the metro, so can meditation be done sitting at a desk in the office. Many people think that sitting with eyes closed is meditation. But while meditating in meditation, the aim is to empty the mind and relax the mind by nullifying the thoughts. While meditating, the focus is on the breath. This action itself helps to calm the mind.

How is meditation done?
Meditation takes place in five stages-

The first step is to have a comfortable place to meditate. If you want, you can meditate sitting comfortably on a chair or sitting on the floor. Meditation can also be done while lying down.

Step 2- Close your eyes by fixing yourself in a comfortable place. Many people find it uncomfortable to close their eyes, so slowly focus your eyes on a specific object. You can focus your attention on one thing, it is not necessary to close your eyes.

Third step- Breathe freely while meditating. There is no need to hold long breaths for this. Rather be comfortable and breathe comfortably.

Fourth step- Now let your breath come and go at one speed without stopping and concentrate on this speed of breath. Do not control the breath, but pay attention to how long the breath came and after how long it went out on its own. While meditating, you have to feel how the breath is going through your nose, and throat, passing through the chest to the navel. You will feel your breath against your ribs.

Fifth stage - During this, many types of thoughts keep running in your mind simultaneously. But forgetting those thoughts, focus all your attention on the speed of your breath. Don't let thoughts wander in your mind.

(PC: Freepik)