How to Clean Baby Toys: Raising children is not easy, you have to keep an eye on their every moment activities. That's why also see whether the toy with which they are playing is clean or not.

Baby Toys Cleaning Tips: Small children love to play with toys, and parents are also happy that their little ones are involved in the toy and are not disturbing. Although you must have noticed that children try to chew the toy, due to which its dirt goes into their mouth. Most of the toys are covered in dust and bacteria, so cleaning them is very important, otherwise, your children may fall sick. Let us know how to clean different types of toys.

Plastic toys

Plastic toys are very popular, but their daily cleaning is also very important. It can be cleaned with the help of detergent or soap. Many toys are not flat, and some parts of them cannot be reached by hand, in this case, you can do cleaning with the help of a clean toothbrush. Try not to leave any part.

Rubber toys

Children also like to play with rubber toys, but germs accumulate a lot in them, so it is very important to clean them regularly. First of all, keep water in a tub and mix liquid soap and white vinegar in it, now dip the toy in it. After some time, clean the toys with the help of a brush and water.

Wooden toys

You cannot keep wooden toys together by immersing them in water, because it will spoil them quickly. For this, mix water and white vinegar in a bowl. Now clean the toy by wiping it with the help of a cotton cloth or cotton balls.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)