Doing yoga is beneficial for health. Out of these, three yoga asanas are such that, if done regularly, high cholesterol can also be controlled.

In today's time, due to bad routines and food, increasing cholesterol has become a common problem. It increases the risk of heart attack to stroke. A control level of cholesterol remains correct, but it becomes fatal as soon as its level is high. It creates the risk of fatal diseases. To avoid such a situation, it is very important to keep cholesterol under control. For this, not only medicines can also be controlled by changes in diet and routine.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, just by doing these three yogasanas regularly, the out-of-control cholesterol automatically comes down. There is no need for any medicine for this.

Do Sarvangasana daily

Sarvangasana Yoga Kriya can be done to control the high level of cholesterol. By doing this yoga regularly, bad cholesterol gets reduced. By doing this yoga, along with cholesterol, obesity also reduces. To do this yoga, lie down on the ground. Now raise the legs on the back. Put the entire weight of the body on the shoulders and elbows. People suffering from a hernia, thyroid, or heart disease should not do this asana.

Paschimottanasana is also beneficial

Paschimottanasana is beneficial for controlling high cholesterol. To do this, sit with your legs straight, then slowly bend forward while exhaling. Get straight after a few seconds. Cholesterol will be controlled by doing this asana regularly. Also, people suffering from an operation, diarrhea, pregnancy, asthma, or slipped disc should not do this asana.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati Pranayama is a panacea for controlling bad cholesterol. It is also beneficial in reducing obesity. In Kapalbhati Kriya, while sitting straight, take a long and deep breath and pull the stomach inwards. Do this continuously. However, stop when you are tired. This is very beneficial. Do this asana only on the advice of experts. Also, Kapalbhati Pranayama should be avoided in case of blood pressure, migraine, or pregnancy.

Disclaimer: Our article is only for providing information. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.