Hepatitis is a liver disease. When the liver becomes swollen due to infection, it can be a problem of hepatitis. The liver is an important part of the body. The liver helps in digesting food. Liver problems affect the body's ability to function smoothly, which can even be fatal for a person. In such a situation, some measures should be taken to avoid hepatitis and other liver-related diseases. Yogasana is very beneficial for strengthening the liver. The liver can be made healthy by regular practice of certain yogasanas. Yoga keeps the body away from many diseases and is also beneficial in improving the health of patients. Let us know about the yogasanas beneficial for keeping the liver healthy and preventing diseases like liver infection and hepatitis.

Bhujangasana is very beneficial for keeping the liver strong. Regular practice of Bhujangasana has a healthy effect on the liver. This asana is effective in curing many liver problems. To do this asana, lie straight on your stomach. Keep some distance between the legs. Now take your hands near the chest and keep the palms down. Taking a deep breath, raise the navel and look towards the sky. Stay in this posture for some time. During this period, keep breathing normally. Now come back to the previous state. Do this process three times.

The practice of Naukasana is also beneficial for a healthy liver. In this posture, the body becomes in the shape of a boat. Naukasana yoga practice is effective in fighting many diseases. To do Naukasana, lie down in Shavasana posture and slowly join the heels and toes. Now keep both the hands close to the waist and keep the palm and neck on the ground. Then raise the neck and hands along with both the legs and put the entire weight of your body on the hips. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, later come back to the Shavasana posture.

Shalabhasana can be practiced to keep the liver healthy and prevent hepatitis. To do this yoga, lie down on the ground on your stomach and place your palms inside the thighs. Breathe inwards and lift both the legs up. During this, the knees should remain stable and the feet should remain together. Keep your forehead on the ground. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds and then exhale while bringing the legs down.

The practice of Kapalbhati helps in keeping the liver healthy. Regularly doing Kapalbhati prevents liver diseases. It can also relieve stomach problems. To do Kapalbhati, sit in the position of Vajrasana, Siddhasana, or Padmasana. Take a deep breath, remain in this position for 5-10 seconds, and then exhale through the nose. Do this asana daily for 10-15 minutes.

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