Food is not only to fill the stomach, but it also gives us energy throughout the day. Not only this, if proper diet is taken then the person also remains healthier. However, it is seen that whenever it comes to a healthy diet, people focus only on three main meals i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner and ignore the mini meals. Generally, people have lunch directly after breakfast. However, doing so is not considered right at all.

Mini meals are not only a great way to satisfy your hunger pangs, but they also provide you with some other benefits. Whether you want to lose weight or want to live a healthy lifestyle, you must make mini meals a part of your diet. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you what benefits you can get by taking mini meals-

Helpful in weight management

Most people think that skipping mini-meals will help them lose weight. Whereas the reality is exactly the opposite. When you eat smaller meals, it can help you control your appetite and prevent overeating. Not only this, with this you can manage your hunger level in a better way and avoid excessive calorie intake.

Easy to manage cravings

People who eat small meals have relatively less food cravings. When you leave a long gap between two meals, it makes you feel very hungry and in such a situation, you have a desire to eat different types of foods. Generally, in this situation, people eat sweets or fried food, which harms their health.

The energy level remains maintained

If you want the energy level of your body to remain the same throughout the day, then you must take mini meals. Mini meals can help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Due to this, you do not complain of fatigue or energy crash. At the same time, consuming a heavy meal suddenly can make you feel tired.

Metabolism is improved

Taking mini meals also has a positive effect on your metabolism. When you take mini-meals throughout the day, it can help you keep your metabolism active throughout the day. When your metabolism works better, the food you eat gets converted into energy instead of being stored in fat, which makes you feel better.

No complaints of bloating

It is seen that people who do not take mini meals, feel very hungry during their main meals and hence eat quickly and excessively. In such a situation, stomach pain, bloating and uncomfortable feeling are common. At the same time, mini meals are eaten for taste, which balances the person's hunger and reduces complaints of bloating etc. Not only has this, by taking mini meals it also become easier for the body to digest food.

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