Shiny hair looks very beautiful, but often due to our small mistakes, the shine of the hair is lost. For dull hair, you can use a hair pack instead of shampoo. There are many natural ingredients, which are quite effective, to bring back the lost shine of the hair. Today in this article we will teach you how to make a hair pack for shiny hair.

Make a pack with coffee powder

The coffee powder can be used on the skin and hair. Its use not only makes the hair shiny, but its use can also reduce the problem of dandruff and white hair.

Ingredients required-

  • 2 teaspoons castor oil
  • 1 tsp coffee powder

Method to prepare

  • Add 2 teaspoons of castor oil to one teaspoon of coffee powder.
  • Mix it well.
  • Get a hair pack for shiny hair.

Method to use

  • Wet the hair before applying this pack.
  • Now apply this pack well on the hair.

Using this hair pack made of coffee 2-3 times a week can make hair shine.

Honey will work

Ingredients required

  • Coconut oil
  • Honey

Method to prepare

  • Add 4-5 teaspoons of coconut oil to 2 teaspoons of honey in a bowl.
  • Now mix both things.
  • You can use this pack for dull hair.

Method to use

  • Section the hair so that the pack gets into the hair properly
  • With the help of a brush, apply this pack all over the hair.

Benefits of this hair pack

  • Using honey reduces the dryness of hair. Honey works to lock the moisture in the hair.
  • Using coconut oil in the hair nourishes the hair. Hair becomes stronger.
  • Coconut oil can reduce hair fall. So if you want hair to never fall, then include coconut oil in your hair care routine.

Keep these things in mind

  • For your hair to always be shiny, you should not style your hair too much. Styling tools work to make the hair dull.
  • Don't forget to oil your hair. Hair remains healthy by its use. Healthy hair means that there are no problems like hair fall, breakage and dandruff.
  • If you use a blow dryer to dry your hair, stop doing so. Hair should be air dried instead of artificial heat.
  • Do you use hot water to wash your hair? Hot water is harmful to hair. Due to this, not only the hair becomes dry but the shine of the hair also starts decreasing. You should use only cool or lukewarm water for hair wash.
  • To keep hair healthy, it is necessary to follow the right hair care routine. Use non-sulphate shampoo to wash hair. Don't forget to use a hair conditioner after hair wash. If your hair becomes frizzy after washing it, use a serum.
  • Steam your hair to prevent it from drying out. It prevents hair fall.

Image Credit: Freepik