World Homeopathy Day: World Homeopathy Day is celebrated every year on 10th April to spread awareness about homeopathy and its contribution to the medical field. This day is also celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann, born in Paris in 1755, founded this branch of medicine and is considered the father of homeopathy.

Homeopathy treatment is cheaper than other methods of treatment. Homeopathy treats the whole body instead of treating any part of the body. But there are many misconceptions in the minds of people about homeopathy and for this reason, it is probably not given that much importance. So today we will know from the experts some such misconceptions and the truth behind them.

Myths related to homeopathy and the truth behind them
Myth: Homeopathy and allopathy cannot be used together.

Truth: No it is not, homeopathic medicines can be taken along with other conventional treatments. There is a myth that it cannot be taken, which is wrong. Most patients who come to us have previously been on some form of traditional or herbal treatment for diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure. We do not ask them to stop allopathic medicine immediately but help to reduce it.

Confusion: Is it necessary to complete the course for homeopathy medicines to be effective?
Truth: Yes, it is important to complete the course of any treatment and the same is true in the case of homeopathy. Every medicine works in a certain way. The duration of the course of medicines also depends on the severity of the disease.

Myth: Homeopathy medicines do not have side effects.
Fact: Homeopathic remedies have not been observed to have side effects as they are natural, safe, and free from chemicals, additives, or steroids. As a safe and effective treatment method, it has not been found to have any Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR). This holistic healing system can be safely used to treat several ailments including obesity, allergies, hair loss, anxiety, depression, arthritis, diabetes, and chronic aches and pains. This treatment system is used by infants, pregnant women, and senior citizens.

Myth: Do homeopathy medicines take a long time to take effect?
Truth: People have a misconception that homeopathy treatment is slow. Although this is not true as homeopathy has shown excellent results over the years in treating serious diseases and the fact that homeopathy kills the disease from the root is one of the reasons why people prefer it. Other methods of treatment may give quick results but they may not be beneficial in the long run.