World Chocolate Day is celebrated on 7th July. This day has been chosen to enjoy the many types of chocolate and highlight its important role. Through this day people become aware of the health benefits of chocolate.

Chocolate has antioxidant properties. Chocolate is good for heart health, along with this chocolate is also beneficial in reducing stress, improving mood, for the skin, and boosting energy. On the occasion of this Chocolate Day, you can easily prepare two chocolate dishes at home without using gas or microwave.

Chocolate Balls


2 packets Parle G biscuits or Oreo biscuits

2 tbsp Cadbury cocoa powder

4 tbsp milk

1 tbsp ghee


Grind the biscuits in a mixer and make a powder.

Now add cocoa powder and ghee to the biscuit powder.

Mix the mixture well and add milk.

Knead a soft dough of this mixture

Now make small balls of this mixture.

Chocolate balls are ready, you can decorate them by wrapping sprinkles.

Chocolate shake

2 cups milk, cocoa powder, sugar, and honey as per taste, ice, chocolate ice cream, vanilla essence.


Put cooked and normal-temperature milk in a mixer and add cocoa powder, sugar, and ice cubes

Now grind it well in a mixer

Put chocolate syrup in a glass and keep it in the fridge for 30 minutes. When ready, pour the chocolate shake into a glass.

Now add ice cream with a scoop on top of the chocolate milkshake and serve it chilled.