When to Change Toothbrush: It is considered good to brush teeth 2 times daily for the good health of teeth and gums. By doing this, not only the bacteria present in the mouth are removed but also the teeth become strong. For this, people buy toothbrushes according to their budget and go on using them continuously. Even when its fibers get worn, people keep rubbing it in their teeth. Most people are not aware that after how many days the toothbrush should be changed. Today we will give you detailed information about this and will tell after how long the toothbrush should be changed.

Must change the brush in this number of days

According to dental experts, irrespective of the brand of toothbrush, it should be changed after 3-4 months. The reason for this is that after 3 months its fibers get spoiled and become hard, due to which brushing with it starts damaging the teeth instead of cleaning them.

Do not take any risks in these situations

If you have any disease related to cough, cold, fever, or mouth fungus, then you should immediately change your toothbrush (Toothbrush Expiry Date). If you don't do this, those bacteria will stick to your brush, due to which instead of getting cured, you will keep getting sick. Also, keep in mind that all the family members should not keep their toothbrushes in one place. By doing this, if any member of the family gets any disease, then it can spread to other people as well.

This sign is found when the toothbrush is damaged

Whether your toothbrush Expiry Date has gone bad or not, you can check it in another way as well. If its fibers have started breaking, it means that it has gone bad. Therefore, it is wise to replace it in such a situation. On the other hand, if a white layer starts forming in the lower part of the bristles of the brush, it means that the time has come to change it. So there should be no delay in changing it.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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