Incidents of physical and sexual violence against women by intimate partners are increasing across the world including India. According to the estimates of the World Health Organization, 1 in every 3 women in the world is a victim of this type of oppression, in which both their intimate and non-partners are involved. This has become a kind of major women's health problem.

Women of this age group are more affected
Among these, there are women in the age group of 15 to 49 who are victims of worldwide violence, approximately 27 percent of the women in this age group suffer such atrocities from intimate partners. Due to this type of violence, women's physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health are affected and in some cases, the risk of HIV infection can also increase.

Where in the world are women suffering more?
According to world regions, among women who are victims of lifetime intimate partner violence, 20 percent are in the Western Pacific, 22 percent in high-income countries including Europe, 25 percent in the WHO American Region, 33 percent in the WHO African Region, 31 percent in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region and 33 percent in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. Fasadi WHO South-East Asian Region is included.

Reasons for violence against women
1. Lack of education
2. Abuse of male children in childhood
3. Violence in family history
4. Antisocial Personality Disorder
5. Alcohol consumption
6. Violent masculine nature
7. Multiple intimate partners
8. Women not have income
9. Lack of gender equality
10. Problems in married life
11. Lack of communication between partners
12. Mate's controlling behavior
13. Giving priority to the sexual purity of women
14. Lack of crime against women law

What is the effect on women's health?
1. Many times one has to become a victim of death or suicide.
2. About 42 percent of women get injured
3. Unplanned pregnancy
4. Abortion, gynecological problems
5. Other sexual diseases including HIV
6. Miscarriage
7. Difficulty in giving birth
8. Post Traumatic Stress
9. Anxiety Disorder
10. Lack of sleep
11. Depression

Trying to stop violence
Physical and sexual violence against women can be prevented or reduced, the health sector can play an important role in this. Such victims can be given proper health care and support. In some cases, the issue can also be resolved through counseling.

(PC: Freepik)