When any disease starts in our body, due to lack of nutrition or an increase in toxins, many symptoms start appearing in the body. If these symptoms are recognized on time, then major problems can be avoided in the future. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to these signs. If you are having frequent fever or pain in any part of the body, then do not ignore them. If there is any kind of problem in the liver, its symptoms also start appearing. Our liver is the powerhouse of the body. In such a situation, it's not working properly can cause many diseases. When there is a disturbance in the liver and the liver does not function properly, what symptoms are seen, let us know from the experts. Dietician RadhikaGoyal is giving this information. Radhika is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Fluctuations in mood and body temperature

The liver plays an important role in maintaining hormonal balance in the body. Therefore, if your liver is facing difficulty in digesting food and removing excess hormones like stress thyroid hormones and toxins, then its effects will be visible in the body. Due to this, irregular periods, fluctuations in mood and body temperature can be seen.

Skin inflammation

Skin inflammation is also a sign of liver problems. When the liver does not function properly, the body's ability to expel toxins reduces, which can lead to inflammation. Due to this, acne also starts appearing on the skin.

Weakening of metabolism and weight gain

If there is too much pressure on the liver and it is not able to function properly, then even after reducing calories, your metabolism will remain weak and digestion will also be affected. Due to which weight will start increasing.

High acidity

If you often feel vomiting after eating food or there is a burning sensation and acidity in the stomach, then this can also be a sign of liver problems. For this, instead of consuming antacids, get yourself checked by a doctor.

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