Living life without water cannot be imagined. Even about 70 percent of our body is made up of water. In such a situation, there must be no shortage of water in the body. That is why it is advised to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day. Negligence in this can cause many physical problems for you. Especially in summer, you have more problems with dehydration. Dehydration can also cause vomiting, loose motions, fever, and diarrhea. In such a situation, it is necessary to identify those signs which show the lack of water in the body so that any major problem can be avoided. Let's know about these signs...

Dehydration is a proven trigger of headaches and lightheadedness and a sign that your body needs water. Also, if your body is dehydrated then the flow of oxygen to the head is reduced. So next time you have a headache, instead of taking a pill, drink some water.

Having cravings
Due to a lack of water in the body or people suffering from dehydration, hunger and thirst start to feel much more than the common people. In such a situation, a sudden increase in hunger and thirst also indicates a lack of water. Although nothing much can be said about this due to the lack of complete research yet. But dehydrated people certainly have more cravings than normal people.

Urine problems
The lighter and more watery the color of the urine, it means that your body is losing enough water. But if the color of urine ranges from light yellow to dark yellow, then it can be a sign of dehydration. There is also a sign of dehydration that after coming yellow urine, you may have a burning or itching problem. When there is dehydration, the amount of urine also decreases.

Bad breath
When it comes to bad breath, going to the dentist isn't always the solution. Water is necessary to form spit, which has antibacterial properties. When your body is poorly hydrated, bacterial growth is more likely to occur, resulting in bad breath.

Feeling tired
Low blood pressure, fatigue, headache, nervousness, and excessive sleepiness also indicate a lack of water in the body. When the body becomes dehydrated, the circulation of both oxygen and blood to the brain decreases, causing both lethargy and fatigue.

Water keeps the intestinal tract clean and helps prevent constipation. Constipation is more likely if your body is not properly hydrated or if you have vomiting or diarrhea. Acid reflux and heartburn are also results of dehydration.

Dryness on the skin
Due to the lack of water in the body, the skin becomes dry. Due to this rashes on the skin, itching and dead skin cells on the lips also start increasing.

Muscle and joint pain
Being an essential part of the body's joints, lack of water causes the joints to rub and rub against each other, resulting in joint pain. In the case of muscles, dehydration can lead to muscle contractions that lead to pain.