We all use carpets to decorate our house. Carpets of different sizes and designs are used in the living area, bedroom etc. But it is generally seen that in houses where there are small children, extra care of the carpet has to be taken. Many times children start playing while sitting on the carpet. But if they have slime in their hands and it gets stuck on the carpet while playing, then it becomes very difficult to remove it.

Since carpets are quite expensive, you cannot change them frequently. On the other hand, due to slime, they do not look good either. So now you don't need to worry. Today in this article, we are telling you some small methods, by adopting which you can remove slime from the carpet without any problem-

Take help from rubbing alcohol

If slime has accidentally got on the carpet, rubbing alcohol can be used to remove it. For this, all you need to do is apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cloth. Now place this cloth over the slime and leave it for some time. This will soften the slime on your carpet. Now you can remove it by scraping it gently. After cleaning the slime, clean the area with the help of a wet cloth.

Baking soda paste will work

Baking soda is considered an excellent ingredient for cleaning. Generally, people take the help of baking soda paste for cleaning different places of the house. However, with its help, the slime on the carpet can also be cleaned. For this, mix baking soda in water and make a thick paste. Now apply this paste to the slime and leave it for a few hours to dry. Once dry, remove the paste with the help of a brush or vacuum. You will see that the slime will come out easily from the carpet. Finally, clean the carpet with a damp cloth.

Take help from a commercial carpet cleaner

If your carpet is very expensive and you do not want to take the help of any home remedy, then use commercial carpet cleaning available in the market. Their main job is to clean any stains or dirt on the carpet. With its help, you will be able to easily clean the slime on the carpet. However, while using them, do not forget to read the instructions thoroughly once.

Adopt freezing technique

This is a simple technique, but with its help slime can be easily removed from the carpet. For this, all you have to do is keep ice cubes in a plastic bag. Now place this plastic bag over the slime and then wait for it to harden. Once the slime has hardened, scrape off as much as you can with a butter knife or credit card. If there is still some slime on the carpet, you can remove it by vacuuming.